Using Evidence

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

First year students typically quickly learn to base their essays and reports on appropriate sources of evidence. However, appropriate citation placement can take longer to develop. This activity is designed to help students understand where to use evidence when producing academic writing. Students are provided with passages from published papers that have the citations removed and they are asked to add them back in, requiring students to determine which statements require evidence. The download contains the student version of the activity, and the answer file.

You are free to reuse, remix and adapt these files without attribution, however, because even teaching-focused academics need to worry about impact, please let me know via e-mail or Twitter if you do!

The purpose of Open Educational Resources is to reduce unnecessary financial burden on students and to help share good practice. I make as many of my teaching materials open access as I can for these reasons, however, if you have found them helpful and are in a position to do so, please consider making a donation to Black British Professionals in STEM or Pride in STEM (currently by buying a badge).

Emily Nordmann
Emily Nordmann
Senior Lecturer in Psychology

I am a teaching-focused Senior lecturer and conduct research into the relationship between learning, student engagement, and technology.
